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Pumpkin chestnut veggie burger

Pumpkin chestnut veggie burger

in Happy Green Lunch 26 september 2022

Taste the autumn with this pumpkin chestnut burger. This veggie burger is baked nice and crispy in the oven with oatmeal, garlic and garden herbs. The taste is nutty and sweet. The burger combines well with apple, fresh chard and white cheese.

Picking sweet chestnuts

It is autumn again and the first sweet chestnuts are falling from the tree. You can go get them. Make sure the chestnuts are brown. The white chestnuts in a fresh green husk are unripe and still contain a lot of starch, which makes them less tasty. Just like the green banana.

You can recognize the sweet chestnut by its spiky husk with needles, a bit like a hedgehog. The chestnuts themselves are not completely round, but more drop-shaped.

You can roast chestnuts in a fire or in the oven. The chestnut is delicious roasted with some salt and butter. You can also cook tasty dishes from sweet chestnuts, such as these pumpkin-chestnut burgers. Are you leaving enough chestnuts for the animals?

Pumpkin chestnut veggie burger

Gang Lunch
Porties 6 burgers


  • 1 small pumpkin orange or green
  • 4 sweet chestnuts
  • 6 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon parsley
  • 1 teaspoon chives
  • ½ teaspoon dill
  • 2 teaspoons olive oli
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • olive oil to brush the burgers
  • freshly ground black pepper and sea salt


  • Peel the pumpkin, cut it in half and remove the seeds.
  • Wash the chestnuts in a bowl of water. The chestnuts that float are not good and you throw them away (can go in the garden).
  • Make a cross in the top of the chestnuts with a sharp knife.
  • Roast the pumpkin and roast the chestnuts in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  • Check whether the pumpkin is al dente. Otherwise, leave it in the oven for a while.
  • Peel the garlic and chop it very finely.
  • Peel the chestnuts.
  • Place the pumpkin, peeled chestnuts, herbs, garlic, teff flour, oatmeal and olive oil in a bowl.
  • Mix the ingredients together well with a large fork. Preferably do not mix with a blender. The oatmeal and chestnut become so nice and crispy when the burgers are baked in the oven.
  • Make 6 burgers from the mixture (a bit of a cross between dough and batter) with your hands and place these on a sheet of baking paper on an oven tray. It will be a bit sticky. If it is not possible to make slices (burgers), add some flour or oatmeal.
  • Brush the burgers with olive oil.
  • Sprinkle freshly ground pepper and freshly ground sea salt over the burgers.
  • Bak 20 minuten in een voorverwarmde oven op 180 graden.

Serving Tips

Traditional burger sandwich


You can traditionally put the pumpkin chestnut veggie burger on a bun. Fun and tasty to build a nice tower of burger, vegetables, fruit and sauce. Preferably use vegetables and fruit of the season. In the fall there is sometimes still some lettuce, but you have a better chance of fresh chard or spinach. This burger is very tasty with apple slices. For even more flavour, roast apple slices in the oven. As a sauce, garlic sauce goes well with it. This can also be a vegan garlic sauce.



As a meat substitute without bread with ….



You can of course also eat the burger without bread. For example, as a meat substitute at dinner. Apple and goat cheese combine well with the pumpkin chestnut veggie burger. If you want to eat vegan instead of vegetarian, you can use a vegan white cheese or a cashew nut cheese.

Soon there will also be walnuts to pick up. They also taste good with the pumpkin chestnut burger.

More lunch ideas

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